Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Trying to Keep My Cool

We've had the luxury of enjoying a nice, cool spring while friends and family in places farther south have had to suffer through the heat and humidity. So, from the time Scott's parents arrived last week for a visit until they left yesterday, he thought we should occupy ourselves with outdoor activities. We went on nature walks, played miniature golf, sat in unshaded stands at a rodeo, and toured Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. All of these could be thoroughly enjoyed in 70 degree weather. The only problem was, we were in the midst of a record breaking heat wave with temperatures actually reaching 100 degrees.

Our only solace was knowing that we could eventually drag ourselves back to the air conditioned oasis better known as Home Sweet Home. Only, as of last night when our air conditioning went out, it's better known as Home Hot Home. So, while I wait for the service guy to show up somewhere between 1:15 p.m. and July, I'll be thinking of Scott at work in his nice, cool office. I'm sure he's smiling. And I'm sure he's not sweating.

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