Monday, June 16, 2008

Cowboys and Cowgirls

Now that the AC is doing its job, I can focus on the more positive aspects of life. We actually did have a very enjoyable visit with Scott's parents last week, despite the heat.

The rodeo (yes, there are rodeos in New Jersey) was fun for all, but especially for Isaac. He loved the clown, but in true little kid fashion, he was none too thrilled about seeing the clown up close, despite lots of coaxing from his Mawmaw, me and the clown.

Dylan took part in a calf chase along with the other kids where the object was to grap a rope off the cow's tail. I gathered by her mediocre effort that she wasn't too keen on actually getting that close to it. (You can see her in the middle of the crowd in a blue shirt.)

Katherine enjoyed the music and food most of all. Her style is to just hang back and take it all in. She makes us happy by just being happy.

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