Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

We took the kids trick or treating with our friends, Brian and Stacye, and their kids Alex and Amy. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time.

Isaac caught on pretty fast. Unfortunately, though, the dragon snout in his eyes slowed him down quite a bit. The big kids would be at the door getting candy, and Isaac would still be half a block away yelling, "Tick or Teat!!"

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall Fun

We had a nice weekend with great weather. Cool weather. Plenty cool enough to build a fire for roasting wieners and what Isaac calls mod-meddows.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great News!

For those of you who haven't heard, we received great news about Scott's dad. The test results have shown that his cancer has not spread to other areas.

Thanks to all of you who have kept him in your prayers. He will have surgery in November and is looking forward to a full and complete recovery. We are so thankful that he has a very treatable type of cancer and that it was caught early on.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Just saying...

The Face of...

After our last experience with markers, which thankfully were the washable kind, we've all but banished permanent markers from the house. Yesterday, however, when I went to the post office to mail a package, I carried a black Sharpie with me.

Fast forward to this morning. While I unloaded groceries, Isaac played in the front seat of the car.

You can see where this is going.

He had drawn all over the steering wheel, the driver's seat, the middle console, and obviously himself. (I think the resemblance to Hitler is no coincidence.)

**file this under information you should know but hopefully never have to put into action**

A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will remove almost all of the marks left by a permanent Sharpie on leather if used immediately and if you're willing to scrub vigorously for about 30 minutes. It will also remove the color from the leather. But...Whaddya gonna do???

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Health Report

Poor Dylan. She made it through a total of 15 days of school before getting sick. New year... new germs...

She's been running a fever since Monday night.

On a brighter note, Isaac had his 2 year check-up today and is the picture of health. He even got lucky enough to have his vaccinations postponed until next time. And when they pricked his finger for blood work, he didn't even cry. He was more concerned with the band-aid the nurse put on his finger. He doesn't like anything stuck on him. We left the office with him holding his finger out and repeating his new favorite phrase over and over. What you doin' wit Eye-sheek??