Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A New Outlook

When Isaac walked into the room this morning wearing one of the girl's headbands in his hair in an attempt to keep his hair out of his eyes, I knew I had to stop putting off that haircut.

The last time I had taken him to get his hair cut, things hadn't gone so well. I was pretty sure we had worn out our welcome even before we got started when, as we walked through the door, the woman said, "Uh-oh, let me get my earplugs!" And she wasn't smiling when she said it. You would think that a place set up just for kids could at least be a little discreet with the earplug comments.

So I found us another place that caters to kids and, best of all, it's right next to Target. Isaac's favorite store. So I took him there first and let him run up and down the toy aisle for a long time, and then I even bought him some candy in the check-out line.

I'm happy to report that my bribery worked this time. He was great. We should have at least another cut or two before we're barred from this place.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Different Times

When I was growing up, there was a natural hierarchy at our house. Kim, who was four years older, left no doubt about who was boss. On the few occasions I dared to question her authority, I barely lived to tell about it.

Not so in our house. The dictator around here is 3 feet shorter and a good 40 pounds lighter than his oldest sister. But he scares her to death. Just this morning, we needed her to watch him for just a couple of minutes while we finished something.

All I could hear was screaming from the other room. Isaac was charging at Dylan, who had tried to influence his lovely mood by singing "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands". He wasn't happy, and he did know it, and he was ready to clap his hands around her head. She was running away, screaming, and actually hid behind me, yelling, "Save me, Mama!"

"Save us all", is all I could think.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Five Painted Piggies

One of the benefits of living in New Jersey is that spring comes later. I can put off thinking about swimsuit season for at least another 2 months. And since my response to dealing with the cold weather has been to put on an extra 3 layers (and I'm not talking about clothing), I'm fine with that.

But, it dawned on me today that I should address another issue before I bring out the flip-flops. The fact that I'm walking around with painted toenails on only one foot.

You see, Katherine, our one nurturing child, decided that she would lift my spirits last weekend with a visit to her "spa". So I received a very formal invitation to visit her in her bedroom at 4:15 p.m.

Since this is the closest thing to a spa treatment I've seen in years, I was actually looking forward to some pampering, meaning I could leave Isaac downstairs with Scott.

But, after only about 15 minutes, Dylan comes in reporting that, "Daddy needs you - it's an emergency!"

Of course.

"Is anyone hurt?"


"Then it's not an emergency."

"Yes, it is. He's flooding the sun room."

Of course.

So, with (only 5) wet toenails adding an extra wobble to my hobble, I slowly make my way downstairs. Not too concerned, though. Dylan has been known to exaggerate.

But, when I arrive at the sun room. I see that she wasn't exaggerating and that Scott had broken a faucet while draining the hot tub and was, indeed, flooding the sun room.

Of course.

So we dealt with yet another chaotic moment, and now, almost a week later, I still haven't found time to deal with that other foot. But at least, in New Jersey, it's still boot weather!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dylan's Concert

The fourth grade band had their first performance that was open to the public on Thursday night. It was such an enjoyable evening. The kids sounded great, and Isaac was home with a sitter!

Dylan's favorite song was Alpha Squadron, but I liked Stars Wars the best. The above picture shows her with her friend, Travis, as they were warming up before the concert.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to You...You Live in a Zoo...

It's Scott's tradition to take a vacation day on his birthday, so he kept with tradition yesterday. But I'm sure he was secretly wishing that he'd gone to the office. (Actually, it doesn't really count as secret wishing if he'd said it aloud 3 or 4 times by 10:00 a.m., does it?)

Under the best of circumstances, a trip to Sam's Club with Isaac can only be described as self-inflicted torture, but throw in a crippled wife and it's a real nightmare come true. I think the only thing that made Scott feel better was to yell across 3 aisles, "Mrs. O'Wiggins, we're moving on to aisle 8" in his best Tim Conway voice. He really amuses himself by doing this.

The highlight of the day for Scott was probably after Isaac went to bed 30 minutes early and we were able to watch American Idol in peace. (Isaac had been in rare form all day - from the first tantrum at 7:00 a.m. over the fact that he didn't have any "mail" himself - birthday cards - to him yanking off the tablecloth with all the plates and decorations after the girls had carefully set it out.)

The highlight of the day for the rest of us was after Scott blew out all those candles and he literally had to hold the cake up to the window for fear of setting off the fire alarm! (We live next door to a fireman. Can't you just see us telling him to call off the trucks because it was just the smoke from the birthday candles?) Scott would never have lived that one down!

Through all the usual chaos, we did the best we could to create a happy day for Scott. And, thanks to the rest of you, the calls started early and ended late. I hope he felt loved and appreciated. Because he really is loved and appreciated!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mister Mom

Okay, so maybe I'm a little older than I was the last time I took a tumble down a flight of stairs, but these old bones have been rattled. So I've spent the weekend trying to remain immobile - while the chaos hits high gear.

As I sit here on my donut cushion, I'm looking at Isaac's coat hanging from it's normal hook. Apparently Scott has left for church in 27 degree weather without the baby's coat. I can just hear him now, "It wasn't that cold - the sun was out." That's what he said yesterday when he sent/locked the kids outdoors to play in the "warm sunshine". It wasn't warm enough to melt the snow, and watching them try to jump on the frozen trampoline was like watching them jump up and down on a concrete slab, but he wanted them out of the way so he could "get something done around here". And I could do little more than sit back and watch.

It's amazing how fast things can unravel. Not that Scott's incapable. But he's out of his element. He's not used to dealing with dogs that have big wads of gum stuck in their fur thanks to a bubble blowing child (Dylan), a child throwing up twice all over the bedsheets - hopefully because her supper didn't settle - and not an indication of anything more serious (Katherine), and another child who now loves to play monkey and will move furniture to climb onto bay windows or kitchen cabinets yelling, ooh-ooh-ahh-ahh (obviously - Isaac).

Yes, it both looks and sounds like a zoo around here. I would be laughing, but it hurts to laugh -literally. So I'm just sitting back taking notes and anticipating a very special Mother's Day gift come May.