Thursday, March 13, 2008

Five Painted Piggies

One of the benefits of living in New Jersey is that spring comes later. I can put off thinking about swimsuit season for at least another 2 months. And since my response to dealing with the cold weather has been to put on an extra 3 layers (and I'm not talking about clothing), I'm fine with that.

But, it dawned on me today that I should address another issue before I bring out the flip-flops. The fact that I'm walking around with painted toenails on only one foot.

You see, Katherine, our one nurturing child, decided that she would lift my spirits last weekend with a visit to her "spa". So I received a very formal invitation to visit her in her bedroom at 4:15 p.m.

Since this is the closest thing to a spa treatment I've seen in years, I was actually looking forward to some pampering, meaning I could leave Isaac downstairs with Scott.

But, after only about 15 minutes, Dylan comes in reporting that, "Daddy needs you - it's an emergency!"

Of course.

"Is anyone hurt?"


"Then it's not an emergency."

"Yes, it is. He's flooding the sun room."

Of course.

So, with (only 5) wet toenails adding an extra wobble to my hobble, I slowly make my way downstairs. Not too concerned, though. Dylan has been known to exaggerate.

But, when I arrive at the sun room. I see that she wasn't exaggerating and that Scott had broken a faucet while draining the hot tub and was, indeed, flooding the sun room.

Of course.

So we dealt with yet another chaotic moment, and now, almost a week later, I still haven't found time to deal with that other foot. But at least, in New Jersey, it's still boot weather!

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