Friday, April 11, 2008


I've enjoyed the convenience of Katherine having a "lunch account". No more lunch money to fool with. Just send money occasionally to deposit into her account. It's as easy as that.

But "easy" comes at a price. The last time I deposited, I knew she'd have enough to get her through April. So I was surprised this morning when she said her account was getting low. Surely I wasn't off by more than 2 weeks. That's when she told me about "re-buy".

Re-buy is when you buy again.

But why would you want to buy again?

Well, like, if I really like what we're having and want more, I re-buy. Or if someone else wants some, I re-buy for them.

So, for a few weeks now, lunch has been on Katherine. (Or on me.)

This is the point where I told her about "re-sandwich". That's when you have a bologna sandwich on Monday. And on Tuesday, you have one again. And so on and so on.

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