Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Ultimate Betrayal

I'm not sure why we pay admission to go to the zoo. I can sit in my own home and look around. And it's free.

Yesterday, Isaac was in rare form. He ripped the curtains, rod and all, off the windows in the family room. When I rushed to see what the loud commotion was, he was crawling out from under the whole mess. He looked up at me, laughing, and said his own word for mess. "Miss!"

But what he did to me later was unforgivable.

I was weeding the front flower bed, happy that Isaac was entertaining himself with an earthworm. (When he helps me pull weeds, he pulls up everything in sight.) I went to take a drink of my Diet Pepsi, and felt a lump in my mouth.

Yep. He had been dropping worms into the can.

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