Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Everyday Tasks

I don't usually take the girls with me when I go grocery shopping. They hate it with a passion. But I did have to drag them along one day last week to grab a few quick items, and it didn't take me long to remember why I don't usually have them with me.

Not only did I I end up buying twice as much as I needed because they were sneaking things into the cart, but I got my heel crushed at least 10 times by Dylan.

But the worst part was when Katherine took Isaac over to the seafood counter to show him the lobster tank. When I heard him say, "Mmmm!", I turned to watch, in horror, as Katherine was scooping up that ice that holds all the dead fish parts and shoving it into her mouth. A whole handful. Isaac, of course, was already crunching his.

With the last day of school edging nearer, I'm starting to think that a few of those summer camps may not be a bad idea after all.

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