Monday, July 16, 2007

Trip Part One

Besides the travel portion of our trip, we had a great time. We spent the first part with Scott's family. These pictures show a few of the highlights.

Scott's mom had a big family get-together with a water slide for the kids. Scott used Isaac as an excuse to get on it, but he was obviously the one having the most fun.

Dylan made an ice cream cake for our 4th of July celebration. She had found the recipe herself, so she was really proud of the end results!

The girls spent hours playing with their cousins, Elizabeth and Emmie, who were visiting from Texas. They went fishing together, shot fireworks, and put miles on the Barbie Jeep.

Isaac loved riding Pawpaw's tractors, (tractees), but he was even more excited about the fire truck (BIG truck!).

We were able to spend an evening catching up with some friends. It was great to see that some things (and some people) never change!

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