Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jersey Tea Party

You may have seen the latest shopping carts for kids at the grocery store. Unlike the little cars with the cart just behind the little driver seats, this one has an entire car body between you and the cart. When we go to the one store in our area that has one, I have to drive around the parking lot looking for the big red convertible. It's not like it's hard to spot. It's about 15 feet long and practically needs it's own parking space.

The bad news is that when I'm pushing this tank, I usually take down at least 3 or 4 of those store displays that are in the center aisle.

The good news is that after I wrecked into yet another display, it turned out to be a whole display of Lipton family-sized tea bags!

One of the things I haven't been able to find here in the northeast is family-sized tea bags. I can get those little tea bags meant for a cup of hot tea. Or I can get that powdered instant kind. Or I can get bottled tea such as Snapple that comes in flavors such as peach or mango. And as far as I'm concerned, these last two options are not really options. So, for about a year, I've been unwrapping little tea bags to make a pitcher of iced tea. 9 bags for a gallon pitcher.

But, for now, my tea bag unwrapping days are over. At least for a while. I took advantage of my good fortune and stocked up. I bought every one I had knocked to the floor.

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