Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Our Wild Child

Just got back from taking Isaac to the doctor because he received some sort of "trauma" to his ear. Who knows what happened? All I know is that when I went to get him up from his nap, his ear was filled with dried blood. Not to worry, though. The doctor says all is fine. He apparently stuck something in it, but the cut was just inside of the canal and the eardrum is fine. Whew. Again.

This child is taking years off my life by the minute. Just last weekend, he opened the car door as we were going down the road. Thankfully, Scott was driving and was able to pull over and allow me to jump out and close the door.

My favorite escape, American Idol, is soon to be over. I may be putting the headlights on our lawnmower to good use and driving around at night. The warm weather should hold up until Idol returns.

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