Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Not What You Think!

Scott participates in a farmer's co-op at work, so every Tuesday he comes home with fresh fruits and vegetables delivered that day by a local farmer.

This is an example of some of what he came home with yesterday:

We never know exactly what we'll get. We've gotten melons, berries, tomatoes, corn, and more. And sometimes we get something we're not that familiar with. It's been fun finding new recipes with these.

Today, a service man came out to look at something in the house. As we were in the kitchen, I noticed him staring at something on the counter. When I saw what he was looking at, I almost died! I've seen enough episodes of Cops to figure it out. I knew, too, that he probably wasn't buying my blubbering explanation of, "It's some kind of lemon herb thing my husband brought home from work yesterday..."


Moonshadow said...

People are so suspicious. :-) Especially of us stay-at-home moms. Too much bad press! :-)

Jennifer Werneth said...

yeah, right. i'm not buying it either:)