Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Christmas Story

Isaac has so been excited about his Christmas program. But, as soon as his teacher put his little lamb ears on, he started bawling his eyes out. He was a sad little sheep. I just knew he wasn't going to go up on stage.

But Daddy did some mighty heavy coaxing.

And Isaac began to reconsider.

He made it up on stage and, once there, became quite comfortable. And...he was mesmerized by the star on the nativity scene.

He may not have stolen the show. But he tried to steal the star.

Once the music started, he was in his element and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Singing "Mary Had a Baby" and rocking the baby. So sweet.

Our sweet little lamb chop pulled it off. When the final verse of "Go Tell It On the Mountain" was over, he didn't want to leave the stage. And, of course, we celebrated with ice cream!

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