Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The big day finally arrived. Isaac's first day of preschool. You would think we were sending him away for the next four years instead of just 2 mornings a week. I guess that happens with the baby of the family.

Isaac's been more excited about getting to wear his new backpack than anything else. He did like the school concept better after we went for an hour last week to visit the classroom and go through their routine. But, since I stayed with him the whole time during that visit, I thought we were in for it this morning when, in the car on the way, he said, "Mama, you gonna stay with me at my koo-uhl (school)."

"No. This time, Mama's gonna leave for a little while and then I'll come back and get you."

There was silence while he processed this. After about a minute, he announced, "Guys, I'm not going to koo-uhl."

He was fine, though. Not even a tear. And when I picked him up after school, he couldn't wait to tell me that Goodman (his teacher is Mrs. Goodman, but he only calls her Goodman) said not to splash at the water table.

Yes, there is a water table in the classroom. I just hope that Goodman is a good lady.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is growing too fast. It reminds me of Jonathan's first day of preschool. Seems like yesterday, but here we are in High School :-( Goes by toooo fast.