Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Break - Turks & Caicos (snorkeling)

We took a day cruise that allowed us to go snorkeling in the Carribean...something I'll never forget! It was so much fun. The girls and I went in, while Scott and Isaac "guided" us from the boat.

Here, we are getting ready. A little nervous...not sure what to expect!

But we jumped in!

I wish I could describe the beautiful, colorful fish and coral reefs we could see. But, even Scott and Isaac got to see some fish from the boat.

Dylan is in the foreground, and you can barely make out Kat and me in the distance.

Drying off.

We then went snorkeling in more shallow water for conchs. I found two of them, and Isaac was fascinated by the way it would come out of it's shell.

And then, we learned, in a very graphic way, how the conch is removed from the shell.

And this is what it looks like!

The kids are holding the now empty shell.

And this is what became of them. Conch Salad. It was so good that Dylan ate two bowlfuls!

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