Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More of the White Stuff

Boy, have we had a lot of snow this year. Usually we will get some snow, it will last a few days, and then it will melt. But not this year. The ground has now been covered with snow for several weeks. And with more coming down steadily right now, it looks like we'd better get used to it.

Yesterday, we had a brief "heat wave". I can't believe how warm 48 degrees felt, but it was plenty warm enough not to worry with hats and mittens, so Isaac and I spent the day outdoors taking advantage of it.

As I was helping Isaac get his snowboots on, he remembered his favorite ones from last year - the ones that lit up as he walked - and he wanted to wear them. I had to explain that he had outgrown them - that he was getting sooo big - and how that was a good thing.

Isaac looked at me and said, "Mama, you're getting big, too!"

I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing.

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