She's not too happy about the "uniform", but I think she looks great!
(I was informed that I was not welcome at the middle school bus stop. What's up with that? What middle schooler doesn't want mom snapping pictures as she gets on the bus??)
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We are willing participants in this adventure called "life". Willing to cherish wonderful memories from our last few years in New Jersey. Willing to embrace new adventures in North Carolina. Willing to share these adventures with friends and family who care to tag along. We are Scott, Cindy, Dylan, Katherine, Isaac, Max, Gracie, & Charlie. With pictures and stories, we share our lives. With love. With laughter. Grits with Grins.
Wow. Who is that cool teenager that is posing as our little Dylan? And that is a lot of kids riding Kat's bus! Very excited for them! It wont be long before Isaac will be getting on that bus also.
your girls get more beautiful all of the time! hopefully you packed a big club in their backpack:). love the mascot:) i love the boy on the left whose mom let him dress himself the first day - he he!
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