Monday, February 25, 2008

More Snow Fun

I was supposed to attend a retreat in Pennsylvania with a women's group from church this past weekend, but it obviously wasn't meant to be.

A few obstacles stood in the way:

First, there was Isaac. With his stomach bug relapse, ear infection, then allergic reaction to the antibiotics, he wasn't making me feel great about leaving.

Then, after taking a clumsy tumble down the stairs Thursday night, I was left barely able to move around the house and dreading a 2 hour car trip.

Finally, the 8 inches of snow that shut down the airports and left Scott stranded in Indianapolis until Saturday meant, unless I was willing to leave Dylan in charge for the weekend, I would need to stay put.

So, instead of relaxing around the fire in a lakeside cabin, I spent the weekend hobbling around with a camera catching images of everyone else playing and having fun. In fact, they played so hard on one nearby hill that they were eventually sliding down on grass. I was fully expecting Scott to be hobbling with me by Sunday evening!

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