Monday, December 20, 2010

News About My Daddy

This weekend, when Kim turned her back for a second, Daddy went down the stairs to the basement looking for crushed ice. Then today, he walked up the stairs outside and up the hill to the mailbox before Mother knew he was gone. And, when I was talking to him on the phone a couple of days ago, he mentioned that he might just jump in the car to go pick up a gift for Mother.

It's hard to believe that it's been less than two weeks since he had his heart attack and was in critical condition for several days! We are so thankful to see him being stubborn and pushing the limits!

Thanks so much to all who have prayed, called, sent notes and helped out in other ways. I look forward to future posts of all the things he's trying to get into!

1 comment:

Jennifer Werneth said...

great news! so glad he's doing well now!