Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Break

For spring break, we went down to Charlotte. We spent the first few days looking at homes and getting to know the area. The girls got to see the schools they'll be attending next year, and I got to see my Target!

We spent the last 2 days at the Great Wolf Lodge. The kids love the one near us here in the Poconos, and you can't beat an indoor water park when dealing with unpredictable spring weather, so we planned that as the "vacation" part of the trip.

Our room at the lodge had a section for the kids that had bunk beds, and Isaac couldn't get enough of climbing up and down over and over again. I was preparing myself for that trip to the emergency room, but we lucked out. (We actually came closer to taking that trip after Dylan and Scott tricked me into getting on the Howlin' Tornado ride. Think Scream the dark...on a raft...and, in my case, going down backwards.)

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