Monday, December 7, 2009

The Things They Say

I just walked in from picking up Isaac from preschool. I've been gone all morning, so I sat down to check the headlines. (I know, it's sad that Yahoo is my primary source of news.)

Isaac, sitting in my lap and looking at the keyboard, asked, "What's this big button?'

"That's the space bar."

"If I push it, will it shoot me out into space?"

I'm really gonna miss these preschool years!


Jennifer Werneth said...

did you say "sure! try it out!" i wonder if he would've pushed it. very cute!

Jennifer Werneth said...

hey cindy! my camera is a canon eos 40d. i love it, but i don't know how to use it like it should be used. i need to take a class, but they're all in mobile:(.