Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Turkey Trot

Dylan had fun participating in a program this fall called "Girls on the Run". She learned all kind of stuff about healthy lifestyle choices. She also trained for a marathon held in November, appropriately called the "Turkey Trot". This was a great outlet for some of Dylan's excess energy! In the end, we were very proud of her for completing the 3 mile run in 45 minutes.

It would be unfair at this point not to mention Scott's role in the race. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera in hand when, two nights before the race, Dylan informed Scott that she had signed him up to run with her! But I have to admit, he was a trooper. When I drove to the halfway point, (yes, I got in my car and drove) I was sure that wasn't the same Scott I know, running backwards in front of her, cheering her on. I guess his recent viewing of Cinderella Man had inspired his inner trainer.

Here are a few pictures taken the day of the race of Dylan and her cheering squad (Katherine took this job very seriously).

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