Isaac: (unhappy about being reprimanded for running to the car in Target's parking lot): I'm running away tomorrow morning.
Me: It's going to be snowy and very cold in the morning.
Isaac (after thinking for a moment): Well, you might have to drive me.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Always Have a Plan B
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Blizzard Update
From our front porch, you can see how deep the snow is getting.
Another view from the front porch. The snow is at least 5 inches higher than our raised porch.
The electricity has been blinking on and off for the last hour, so now I'm not just crossing my fingers, but also holding my breath. The blizzard warning has been extended until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, so I'm a little nervous about what we may wake up to.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Our Own Winter Wonderland
4 down, about 15 to go. That would be inches. And that's on top of the 10 we already had still on the ground from the weekend.
The kids are ecstatic that they finally got a snow day off from school (the last two times it snowed on the weekend), and even Scott got a snow day from work!
This afternoon, it's supposed to come down a lot harder, and it's supposed to be very windy as well (up to 50 mph gusts). Fingers crossed that we don't lose electricity.
This is the front yard. The trees with the snow on them are really beautiful.
This is our driveway.
This is the backyard. A deer had just been there but ran away before we could get a picture.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Morning Snow
It's still snowing, so we haven't ventured out. When we went to bed last night, the snow had just started. When we woke up, this is what greeted us.
This is the view from our front porch.
These pictures were taken from the back porch.
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Saturday, February 06, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A New Chapter
I guess it's official...we're moving back south. Sometime this summer, we'll be making our way down to the Charlotte, North Carolina area.
Of course, we have mixed feelings.
We're very happy that we'll be closer to family and dear friends, but very sad to be leaving behind some wonderful friends who have been like family to us here.
We're excited to explore what North Carolina has to offer, but will miss the exciting things in this area that we've come to love.
We're trusting that God will carry us through the next few months of transition as we ride that inevitable emotional roller coaster that comes with leaving behind the familiar and comfortable and facing the new and unknown.
Another positive aspect of this is Scott's new job position. He has been named the leader for the Ingersoll Rand Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. This is a role he can be passionate about as it allows him to lead the company towards creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficient environments. The Center has just been established, so this is also a new role in IR...all stuff that makes it even more appealing to Scott, who's always up for a challenge! next order of business will be getting our house ready to sell. I'm open to any tips or advice on how to get a house to look perfectly presentable and appealing at a moment's notice with three very active and not so tidy kids. My mind has blocked much of this traumatic aspect of our last move, but I seem to recall throwing the kids in the car and making them stay/live there for a few months. And when they were allowed in the house, they were confined to a very small space, like a 4' X 5' area. Come to think of it, Scott's nice red storage shed out back may be housing more than just lawn tools come spring.
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010