Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Katherine Catch Up

School gets out on Friday, so I'm scrambling to get caught up. Of course, I just realized that I have missed some big events (like spring break). I guess my next few blog posts will be more like a shuffle...a little mixed up. But isn't that how life is?

For today, here are some Katherine moments:

Katherine was chosen by her teacher this month to be star student as a reward for demonstrating exemplary character qualities in the classroom. She had to gather interesting facts about herself to share with the class.

How well do you know Katherine?

(answers at the end - and don't cheat by enlarging the picture!)

a. Favorite Color?

b. Favorite Foods?

c. Favorite Movies?

d. Hobbies?

New haircut! Mom thinks it's cute. Daddy is upset.

This is Kat standing with her art teacher. Her art was chosen to be displayed at the high school at the district-wide art exhibit in May.


Answers to How well do you know Katherine?
a. cerulean blue (that is so Katherine)
b. tacos, spaghetti, rice, lasagna, and cornbread
c. Parent Trap, Napoleon Dynamite (dad's sense of humor)
d. coin collecting, piano, photography, Girl Scouts, and cooking

Monday, June 15, 2009

Six Flags and TobyMac

We took the kids to Six Flags earlier this month. This was the only Saturday in forever when it didn't rain. Hallelujah!

Ferris Wheels. Whoever said these things aren't scary doesn't have my fear of heights.

Petunia and Porky! And Dylan and Ava.

Sydney and Katherine picnicking.

Isaac and the Batmobile. He's convinced Batman was lurking inside those tinted windows.

TobyMac concert!

Isaac singing along to "Lose My Soul" - his favorite song. Except he sings, "Wooze my soul."

And finally, Isaac demonstrating how I felt at the end of the day!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fountains of Joy

We had our new youth pastor over for dinner last night. It was a picture perfect day, so we grilled out and got everything ready to eat outdoors. It was nice - the girls had set out a pretty spring tablecloth...we had fresh playing over the speakers.

Katherine and Isaac were sitting next to us at a smaller table, and just as we were taking our first bites, I heard Katherine calmly say, "No, Isaac." Not in a loud - or panicked - voice. Just a quiet, "No, Isaac." I assumed she was reminding him to eat with his fork and not his fingers. It was not the kind of voice that you would expect from someone who is watching her little brother pee right next to the table - about 2 inches from our guest's feet.

You know what they say about first impressions. I'm sure Ed will be busy the next time we invite him to dinner.