When I left home this morning, it was raining and sleeting, with a few snow flurries. I dropped Isaac off at preschool and then went to Michael's to pick up some craft supplies for Katherine's Halloween party. I shopped for about an hour or so and walked out into a blizzard. I mean heavy snow! The weather report hadn't predicted snow - only rain.
When I got to my car, there was a light on indicating low tire pressure in the rear passenger tire, but the tire looked fine so I decided to try to make it to Isaac's preschool before going to the tire shop. Scott was way off in Indianapolis, so he couldn't get Isaac for me. I drove through heavy snow and sleet, hoping not to slide off the road or have a blowout. It didn't help that, less than a mile from Isaac's school, the road had flooded and I had to detour another 4 miles out of the way. I finally made it to his school and we made it safely to the tire shop.
But when we left the tire shop the weather and road conditions were even worse. Traffic lights were out, and when we got home, we didn't have any electricity.
The electricity finally came back on and my fingers have thawed out, so I can now report our earliest snow since we've lived here. The updated weather report, given after the fact, said that we got 3 inches. Three inches of snow, three days before Halloween. Trick... or treat?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A White October
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fun Fall
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Our Sweet Girl
Katherine was upset when she came home from school yesterday. Another little girl in her class had brought 4 snow globes from home from her prized collection for "sharing" time. While getting her coat from her cubby, she knocked the box of snow globes to the floor and they all broke. That poor little girl was devastated and in tears.
Without a second thought, Katherine went up to her room, picked out one of her own snow globes, wrapped it up nicely, and took it to school with her today to try to help that other little girl feel better. She has such a caring heart for others. More than any other, this is the trait that I love and admire most about her.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
That Time Again
It is 27 degrees outside right now! BRRRR!!!!
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Guilty Pleasures and Insomnia
In the summer, it was sweetened condensed milk. I could open a can and eat it in one sitting. I never had the nerve to look and see how many calories or grams of fat I was consuming. Let's just not go there.
Now that fall is here, it's everything caramel. I can't get enough of it. As far as candy goes, I'm pretty much hooked on Werther's Originals. I just can't decide which I like best. The soft, chewy ones are truly my favorite. But I can eat about 20 of them at once. So I guess I should stick with the hard ones. They last longer, therefore I don't consume as many.
These are the things I ponder at 1:00 a.m. when I can't sleep.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Bad Boy
As a mom, and as a former teacher, I know that look. So when I showed up to get Isaac yesterday at preschool, I recognized that look and I wanted to find a place to hide. The teacher saw me arrive and made her way to me with that look that says that she's got something to tell me...and it ain't good.
Seems that Mr. Isaac took it upon himself to sneak out of the classroom and get in some extra time at the playground. Seems that this is the first time in 15 years that a child has managed to do this in Mrs. Goodman's class. (Her words, not mine.)
Whaddya gonna do?
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Boy Wonder
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
I had a big scare yesterday when Dylan had an asthma attack. After she was diagnosed with asthma last year, it's never been a big issue because she only had some exercise induced coughing. But that has all changed now.
The girls happened to be out of school yesterday when it happened. It started with a severe coughing fit. Then she couldn't take in air and her face got puffy and red. When her lips turned blue, it scared me to death!! I had a nebulizer here that she had never used. We used that and things went from bad to worse. She broke out in hives, and the doctor, who was on the phone, had me standing by with the epipen, which we've also never had to use. Thankfully, she responded to benadryl and I didn't have to use the epipen.
Talk about a nerve racking moment. I'm still shaking today.
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Trip to the Farm
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Thursday, October 02, 2008