Tuesday, September 16, 2008

School Days

Dylan, Katherine and Isaac are all adjusting nicely to their new schools.

Dylan made the big leap to changing classes without a problem. Her first locker, on the other hand. Whoa! We stopped by it yesterday after her Girl Scouts meeting and I was shocked at what she had crammed in there in just over a week!

Katherine has a new best friend named Chloe. She's also on cloud nine because, after having male teachers in both 1st and 2nd grades, she finally has a female teacher. A PRETTY female teacher. How could we be so lucky?!

Isaac hasn't cried once at preschool. He loves to paint, and his favorite color is red. Every time I pick him up, he's red from head to toe. He's also learning about "Indoor Voice". He told me today that Goodman says, "Isaac, use your Indoor Voice" a BUNCH of times.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Katherine for President

Katherine's homework assignment tonight: If you were President of the United States, what would your top three goals be?

1. I will lower all gas prices. Higher than $15.00 but lower than $60.00.

2. Every country will recive $1.000 except these following - Irock, Irian. They will only recive $300. All countries unlisted will get $1.000.

3. And last but NOT least, I will now oficilly make smoking and drugs ellegal. So...better stop now, OR ELSE!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The big day finally arrived. Isaac's first day of preschool. You would think we were sending him away for the next four years instead of just 2 mornings a week. I guess that happens with the baby of the family.

Isaac's been more excited about getting to wear his new backpack than anything else. He did like the school concept better after we went for an hour last week to visit the classroom and go through their routine. But, since I stayed with him the whole time during that visit, I thought we were in for it this morning when, in the car on the way, he said, "Mama, you gonna stay with me at my koo-uhl (school)."

"No. This time, Mama's gonna leave for a little while and then I'll come back and get you."

There was silence while he processed this. After about a minute, he announced, "Guys, I'm not going to koo-uhl."

He was fine, though. Not even a tear. And when I picked him up after school, he couldn't wait to tell me that Goodman (his teacher is Mrs. Goodman, but he only calls her Goodman) said not to splash at the water table.

Yes, there is a water table in the classroom. I just hope that Goodman is a good lady.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Birthday Boy part 2

The first thing Isaac said when he woke up on his birthday was, "Where's my cake?" So we ended up having birthday cake before breakfast. (Actually for breakfast.)
And then, he was a cowboy...

and a fisherman / baseball player.

And for a thirsty cowboy, the watering holes around here serve up milk in a sippy cup. (Keep in mind that you should never laugh at a cowboy with a loaded cap gun.)

Birthday Boy part 1

Yesterday was Isaac's 3rd birthday, but we cheated a little and had an early celebration with family in Alabama. I wish I could have bottled some of that excitement!

And it was even more exciting when Pawpaw drove up in the firetruck!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New School - Old Drama

Today was the first day of school for the girls. Katherine leaves for her school an hour earlier than Dylan this year. Which is good since she's our early riser. She pops right up and is quite chipper in the mornings. She also prepares for her day well in advance. She'll have everything carefully laid out together from top to bottom, with an alternate outfit "just in case". Accessories? Check. Sequins on at least 2 items? Check. New shoes that have never touched dirt? Check. And, just for good measure, she wants to be at the bus stop 15 minutes early. Again, "just in case".

Dylan is quite happy that she doesn't leave until 8:15 this year. Not that we weren't still scrambling around this morning looking for two shoes that match. Two OLD shoes. She insisted on wearing her nasty old flip flops today because they're her most comfortable, and she won the stand-off because Scott was still here. I gave in after he gave me the ole "molehill-not-a-mountain" look. But I compromised only after insisting that I at least get to spray some bleach on them. And accessories? Are you kidding me? Something flashy? Not likely. Arriving at the bus stop early? Not a chance.

The fact that the girls are so different certainly keeps things interesting. It doesn't make things easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. (Of course, I'll need you to remind me that I said this in a few days when I'm pulling my hair out!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No Place Like Home

We had lots of fun and a little bit of drama while we were visiting Scott's family in Alabama.
Isaac was excited to meet the newest member of the family and learned that a newborn baby isn't really into tickling. He also learned that there's more to UNO than causing your sisters to scream by spilling the cards in the middle of the game.

Katherine and Dylan learned that a tropical storm can leave a mess behind. And messes need to be cleaned.

We also learned that fishing is a lot more fun when the fish are biting. Everyone caught at least one. And Isaac even pulled one in by himself!

Isaac learned that an antique toy can be just as fun as a shiny new one. These tractors belonged to Scott a long, long, LONG time ago!

We learned that Dylan can actually be quiet and still. It takes a lot of heavy playing. Here she is after a watergun battle with her Pawpaw and Katherine.

And Scott learned to pay more attention when he hears something rattling. He stepped right over this huge rattlesnake in his parents' backyard. Of course, the best picture would've been the one of Scott and Randy teaming up to kill it with a shotgun. That picture would've been worth some money!